Work Health and Safety

Our CompanyWork Health and Safety

Railtrain Holdings Group’s (RHG) Work Health and Safety (WHS) philosophy is simple, Think Safe + Work Safe = Home Safe®. WHS is at the forefront of everything that we do and is always a top priority.

RHG applies a systematic and integrated approach to the management of WHS. To further support the efficient management of WHS, RHG uses a certified management system as a guiding framework, to which everyone must comply.

RHG’s WHS performance is built on the following principles:

  • The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) empower everyone in the organisation with a Stop Work Authority;
  • Everyone is encouraged to work together towards a shared vision of WHS excellence;
  • Being a values-based organisation, which ensures that our values flow through every task;
  • Systematically identify, assess and control hazards such that risk is minimised to an acceptable level;
  • Fostering and promoting a “Think Safe” culture that supports continuous WHS improvement.

RHG operates an Occupational Health and Safety Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO45001:2018.

Mentally Healthy Workplace

The mental wellbeing of people at work is good for everyone and enhances personal and organisational resilience, and success. Railtrain Holdings Group (RHG) believe everyone has a role to play, both in looking after their own mental health and wellbeing and creating a mentally healthy workplace.

RHG recognise the importance and benefits of a mentally healthy workplace which is why RHG have developed a Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy and Plan with a tailored strategy to make our workplaces more mentally healthy. As part of this commitment RHG have recently engaged Mental Health First Aid Australia to train over 20 staff in Mental Health First Aid.

Speak Up

RHG acknowledge that every year 1 in 5 Australians will experience a mental health problem. Railtrain Holdings Group’s (RHG) Speak UP campaign aims to promote positive mental health and healthy relationships by reducing stigma and encouraging people to “Speak Up”, seek help and support each other.

RHG encourage everyone to speak with your RHG supervisor, manager, colleague or contact RHG’s Employee Assistance Provider, Working Life.


Railtrain Holdings Group (RHG) encourage our workforce to help stop the spread and be COVIDSAFE.

To protect yourself and others please continue to: