Railtrain Training

Our Courses

Railtrain can help your resume get on track with our Introduction to Rail course. This course provides a flexible, online delivery pathway for learners looking to develop entry-level, regulatory knowledge and skills needed to work in the Rail Industry.

Introduction to Rail

Railtrain can help your resume get on track with our Introduction to Rail course. This course provides a flexible, online delivery pathway for learners looking to develop entry-level, regulatory knowledge and skills needed to work in the Rail Industry.
This course offers a skill set for learners seeking to develop the essential regulatory knowledge and entry-level skills needed to work as a Shunter in the rail industry.

Shunting Essentials

This course offers a skill set for learners seeking to develop the essential regulatory knowledge and entry-level skills needed to work as a Shunter in the rail industry.
This course offers a skill set for learners seeking to develop entry-level regulatory knowledge and skills required to work in the rail industry as a Roll-by Observer.

Roll-by Essentials

This course offers a skill set for learners seeking to develop entry-level regulatory knowledge and skills required to work in the rail industry as a Roll-by Observer.
This training is for rail safety managers, operations managers, work group supervisors, and all those with a role in the management of safety within rail operations and rail infrastructure. It requires a wide range of skills in ensuring rail safety.

TLI42422 Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management

This training is for rail safety managers, operations managers, work group supervisors, and all those with a role in the management of safety within rail operations and rail infrastructure. It requires a wide range of skills in ensuring rail safety.
This unit focuses on the application of safety critical communications in the rail environment. It provides learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively communicate in critical situations to ensure the safety and well-being of all personnel involved.

TLIF0008 Apply Safety Critical Communications in the Rail Environment

This unit focuses on the application of safety critical communications in the rail environment. It provides learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively communicate in critical situations to ensure the safety and well-being of all personnel involved.
National certification in the skills and knowledge required to investigate rail safety incidents. Cover the skills and knowledge required to investigate an incident associated with railway operations in accordance with rail safety regulatory and workplace requirements.

TLIF0045 Investigate rail safety incidents

National certification in the skills and knowledge required to investigate rail safety incidents. Cover the skills and knowledge required to investigate an incident associated with railway operations in accordance with rail safety regulatory and workplace requirements.
Railtrain offers training services to Rail Operators by supporting their skill development and traineeship programs. As part of this qualification, Railtrain delivers skill sets for shunters, terminal operators and wagon maintainers, and full qualifications for train drivers. The full qualification can be delivered by Railtrain as a traineeship.


Railtrain offers training services to Rail Operators by supporting their skill development and traineeship programs. As part of this qualification, Railtrain delivers skill sets for shunters, terminal operators and wagon maintainers, and full qualifications for train drivers. The full qualification can be delivered by Railtrain as a traineeship.
This qualification is suitable for rail organisations that would like to upskill and qualify their network controllers. It can be delivered under auspice arrangements using client training resources and trainers.

TLI40921 Certificate IV in Rail Network Control

This qualification is suitable for rail organisations that would like to upskill and qualify their network controllers. It can be delivered under auspice arrangements using client training resources and trainers.
A general course and qualification for a person engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment undertaking a range of rail construction and maintenance tasks. This qualification can lead to an entry level position as a track worker.

TLI27121 Certificate II Rail Infrastructure

A general course and qualification for a person engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment undertaking a range of rail construction and maintenance tasks. This qualification can lead to an entry level position as a track worker.
This is a general course and qualification for a person engaged in the rail infrastructure who has had experience in basic rail construction and maintenance operations and who is ready to become qualified for higher level tasks such as welding, track examination and repair.


This is a general course and qualification for a person engaged in the rail infrastructure who has had experience in basic rail construction and maintenance operations and who is ready to become qualified for higher level tasks such as welding, track examination and repair.
This is a qualification for a person engaged in track protection activities in the rail environment. This crucial industry position includes a range of tasks that involve ensuring a safe separation between workers and rail traffic.

TLI21921 Certificate II Track Protection

This is a qualification for a person engaged in track protection activities in the rail environment. This crucial industry position includes a range of tasks that involve ensuring a safe separation between workers and rail traffic.

Online Courses

This nationally recognised online unit involves the skills and knowledge required to identify and apply an awareness of hazardous substances and dangerous goods requirements.


This nationally recognised online unit involves the skills and knowledge required to identify and apply an awareness of hazardous substances and dangerous goods requirements.
This nationally recognised online unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply fatigue management strategies within the transport and logistics industry.


This nationally recognised online unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply fatigue management strategies within the transport and logistics industry.
This nationally recognised online unit involves the skills and knowledge required to enter the rail corridor.


This nationally recognised online unit involves the skills and knowledge required to enter the rail corridor.

Railtrain Training

Railtrain’s training services include delivering client and site specific up-skilling strategies to new workers and existing workforces, as well as delivering nationally recognised training programs and qualifications. Traineeships and other Government funded training can be delivered by Railtrain at significantly reduced costs to clients.

Railtrain’s consultation services include assisting clients to align their workforce’s job roles to nationally recognised competencies, and mapping client training materials to the national competencies. Safeworking training can also be developed and/or delivered to client companies. These initiatives ensure our clients are supported in maintaining their compliance to the Rail Safety National Law.

Railtrain partners with clients to develop site specific training programs. In addition, we have a well appointed training facility at our Perth Airport premises, where rail sector fundamentals and basic track work skills can be trained and assessed. Our trainers and assessors also attend ‘on the job’ for learner monitoring, training and assessment

These services are supported by experienced trainers, assessors and other Registered Training Organisation staff, who are rail industry and training specialists.


Railtrain trained over 350 new entrants to rail in the last year

Our services include


Training programs in rail operations and rail infrastructure


Advice on funding opportunities to offset training costs


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) services for those with relevant knowledge and skills


Verification of Competence (VOC) assessments, Safeworking and other enterprise training


Development of training and assessment materials

Railtrain services – the benefits


  • Skilled employees to support company goals
  • Market advantage in operations and recruitment
  • Compliance with industry regulations


  • A start to your career in the rail industry
  • Nationally recognised qualifications
  • Skills to make you a more valuable employee

The Railtrain difference

Railtrain offers:

  • A Registered Training Organisation specific to the rail industry only
  • Selected programs approved for Government funding, meaning lower prices for clients
  • Training solutions customised for individual clients
  • Dedicated inhouse training facilities, including rail track pads, signals and infrastructure
  • Training solutions for both rail operations and rail infrastructure
  • Self-paced online learning solutions to supplement face-to-face classroom and workplace delivery

Skill pathways offered

Railtrain currently offers learning and assessment pathways (including RPL) in:

  • Rail infrastructure – Railtrain delivers skill sets and full certificate qualifications suitable for track workers, track installers, track maintainers, track welders and track protection officers
  • Rail operations – Railtrain delivers skill sets and full certificate qualifications for:
    • shunters, terminal operators and wagon maintainers/maintenance assistants
    • train drivers

Clients and diversity

Enterprise clients include major resources companies, major rail construction and maintenance companies, rail network operators, large rail transport companies, rail equipment suppliers and a large State Government transport agency.

Railtrain supports client diversity objectives and actively seeks to hire women, youth and Indigenous people to train for placement in client companies.

Example projects

  • Delivering 200 Certificate IV in Train Driving traineeships to a major resources company over three years
  • Offering an Introduction to Track Work course for those wanting a start in the industry
  • Developed nine detailed track machine workbooks including assessments for upskilling employees in a company with a significant rail network

Why choose Railtrain?

The training pad at our Perth Airport premises is used to deliver the practical components of the Track Work programs.

Facilities that give learners hands-on experience

The training pad at our Perth Airport premises is used to deliver the practical components of the Track Work programs.
Railtrain’s trainers are qualified rail infrastructure and training experts, with many years’ experience in different organisations and networks across the industry.

Learn from real industry experts

Railtrain’s trainers are qualified rail infrastructure and training experts, with many years’ experience in different organisations and networks across the industry.
Railtrain’s RTO staff are available to support any questions you have about your online learning, your workshop activities and the learning resources provided.

Backed by our specialist training team

Railtrain’s RTO staff are available to support any questions you have about your online learning, your workshop activities and the learning resources provided.

Online Courses

View Railtrain RTO’s selection of nationally recognised online units.

Contact us

Contact our team to discuss your requirements or to find out more information.