Roll-by Essentials

This course offers a skill set for learners seeking to develop entry-level regulatory knowledge and skills required to work in the rail industry as a Roll By Observer.

Course Information

The role of a Roll By Observer involves preparing for and conducting a visual roll-by inspection of crossing or passing trains, either from the ground or on-train, to identify equipment issues, load security concerns, or other defects or failures, and reporting or addressing the inspection results.


The skill set covers essential railway industry competencies, including:

  • Developing an awareness of railway fundamentals.
  • Taking appropriate safety precautions to access the danger zone, enter the rail corridor, and respond correctly in an emergency.
  • Applying effective safety-critical communications.
  • Preparing for and conducting a visual roll-by inspection of crossing or passing trains, either from the ground or on-train, to identify equipment issues, load security concerns, or other defects or failures, and reporting or addressing the inspection results.


  • The skill set includes a total of seven nationally recognised units of competency.
  • The course is completed over one week, from Monday to Friday, combining classroom-based learning of underpinning knowledge with practical training and assessment.
  • The training is delivered by Railtrain’s qualified trainers, who are rail operations experts with extensive experience across various organisations and networks in the industry.


The course fee is $2,500 (GST free) per learner. Please contact us for information about payment plans or credit transfers.

Locations & Training Dates

This course is offered Brisbane (Qld), Newcastle (NSW), Moss Vale (NSW) and Perth (WA). This course is scheduled approximately every 3 months.

For more information, please contact us.

Course brochure

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Shunting Essentials

This course offers a skill set for learners seeking to develop the essential regulatory knowledge and entry-level skills needed to work as a Shunter in the rail industry.

Course Information

The role of a Shunter is crucial for ensuring efficient rail operations. Shunters manage and control the movement of wagons, direct freight trains, and conduct essential safety checks within a yard environment, ensuring smooth and safe operations.


The skill set covers essential railway industry competencies, including:

  • Understanding railway fundamentals.
  • Applying safety measures to access the danger zone and rail corridor, and responding to emergencies.
  • Using effective safety-critical communication.
  • Conducting and reporting visual roll-by inspections of trains to identify defects or issues.
  • Assessing risks and planning load relocation.
  • Shunting rail vehicles for loading, unloading, train assembly, or maintenance, including coupling and securing.


  • Eight nationally recognised units of competency are included in this skill set.
  • The two-week course (Monday to Friday) combines classroom learning with practical training and assessment.
  • Delivered by Railtrain’s experienced trainers, who are experts in rail operations.


The course fee is $4,000 (GST free) per learner. Please contact us for information about payment plans or credit transfers.

Locations & Training Dates

This course is offered Brisbane (Qld), Newcastle (NSW) and Moss Vale (NSW). This course is scheduled approximately every 3 months.

For specific dates and more information, please contact us.

Course brochure

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Enrol below

TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure

Nationally recognised training in track and rail infrastructure work for your workforce.

A general course and qualification for a person engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment undertaking a range of rail construction and maintenance tasks. This qualification can lead to an entry level position as a track worker. Suitable industry experience can then lead to further career path options into track welding and supervisory positions.

Find out more below or contact us today!


An introduction to track and rail infrastructure work in the rail industry

The units included are:

  • TLIF0020 Safely access the rail corridor
  • TLIF0025 Follow work health and safety procedures
  • TLIF2010 Apply fatigue management strategies
  • TLIB0012 Maintain and use hand tools
  • TLID0020 Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
  • TLIE1003 Participate in basic workplace communication
  • TLIB2085 Apply track fundamentals

Successful participants can use this training to apply for jobs in the rail industry or enrol in Railtrain’s Track Work II

$900 (GST free)


Building on introductory training in track and rail infrastructure

The units included are:

  • TLIB2001 Check and assess operational capabilities of equipment
  • TLIB2092 Operate minor mechanical equipment
  • TLIS2030 Carry out track ballasting
  • TLIS2031 Install railway sleepers
  • TLIS2034 Install and repair rail fastening systems
  • TLIS2044 Carry out rail installation

Course prerequisites
Successful completion of Railtrain’s Track Work I training program or Statements of Attainment for the 7 units in that program.

$900 (GST free)


Completing introductory training in track and rail infrastructure

The units included are:

  • TLIB1093 Clean equipment and restore worksite
  • TLIU2008 Apply environmental procedures to rail infrastructure
  • TLIF0008 Apply safety critical communications in the rail environment

Course prerequisites
Successful completion of Railtrain’s Track Work I and Track Work II training programs, or Statements of Attainment for the 13 units in those programs.

Those who have successfully achieved 16 units in Track Work 1-3 will also receive the TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure.

$500 (GST free)



Course Information

Why choose Railtrain?

The training pad at our Perth Airport premises is used to deliver the practical components of the Track Work programs.

Facilities that give learners hands-on experience

The training pad at our Perth Airport premises is used to deliver the practical components of the Track Work programs.
Railtrain’s trainers are qualified rail infrastructure and training experts, with many years’ experience in different organisations and networks across the industry.

Learn from real industry experts

Railtrain’s trainers are qualified rail infrastructure and training experts, with many years’ experience in different organisations and networks across the industry.
Railtrain’s RTO staff are available to support any questions you have about your online learning, your workshop activities and the learning resources provided.

Backed by our specialist training team

Railtrain’s RTO staff are available to support any questions you have about your online learning, your workshop activities and the learning resources provided.

TLI21921 Certificate II Track Protection

This is a qualification for a person engaged in track protection activities in the rail environment. This crucial industry position includes a range of tasks that involve ensuring a safe separation between workers and rail traffic.

Future career options can include network controllers and roles in rail operations management or rail safety.

Job roles and titles vary across different sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:

  • Track protection officer (TPO)
  • Handsignaller
  • Flaggie

Course Duration: On enquiry (unit selections affect course duration)

Course Location: Railtrain Venue and a workplace

Pre-requisites: Category 1 Rail Medical Assessment

Course Enquiries:

Student Information



Contact our team to find out more.

TLI37122 Certificate III in Rail Infrastructure

This is a general course and qualification for a person engaged in the rail infrastructure who has had experience in basic rail construction and maintenance operations and who is ready to become qualified for higher level tasks such as welding, track examination and repair.

Job roles and titles vary across different organizations and sectors. Railtrain offers this qualification aligned to the following defined roles:

  • Senior track maintainer
  • Ganger
  • Senior track installer
  • Ganger
  • Specialist track installer
  • Special ganger
  • Track welder
  • Track examiner

Course Duration: On enquiry (unit selections affect course duration)

Course Location: Railtrain Venue or the Workplace

Pre-requisites: The entry requirement for this qualification is TLI21311 or TLI21315 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure (Track Work), and Category Rail 1 Medical Assessment.


This qualification may be undertaken as a traineeship

Student Information

TLI37122 Certificate III in Rail Infrastructure qualification description: Download


Contact our team to find out more.

TLI40921 Certificate IV in Rail Network Control

This is a qualification for a person engaged in the control of rail traffic.

Course Information

Railtrain is pleased to announce that TLI40921 Certificate IV in Rail Network Control is approved on our scope of registration. This nationally recognised qualification is designed to equip rail industry professionals with the advanced skills and knowledge required for effective network control, ensuring safe and efficient rail operations.

This qualification is suitable for rail organisations that would like to upskill and qualify their network controllers. It can be delivered under auspice arrangements using client training resources and trainers. Railtrain can validate these to quality assure the training and assessment. Additionally, we can contextualise materials to meet the specific needs of employers.

A nationally recognised qualification is awarded to all participants who successfully complete all components of TLI40921 Certificate IV in Rail Network Control.


Course brochure

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TLI42622 Certificate IV in Train Driving

Railtrain offer a fast-tracked program to upskill and certify competent experienced Train Drivers. This pathway includes a blend of recognising the informal skills and knowledge applicants have collected through work and life experiences, plus an abbreviated formal assessment process. Whilst this pathway condenses the traditional qualification duration, evidence submitted by applicants must still meet the Rules of Evidence as per the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

In WA you may be eligible for a Traineeship which may attract financial incentives. Please contact us for further details.

TLI42622 Certificate IV in Train Driving can lead to future career options that can include freight train driver, network controllers, roles in rail operations management, or rail technical training positions.



Course Information

Qualification description

Are you a Train Driver?

Are you a Train Driver looking to upgrade your qualification?

Visit our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) page to find out more or Contact RTO team today:


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TLI42422 Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management

This course has been designed to provide an in-depth view of the requirements of rail safety legislation, the components of a Safety Management System and how to achieve compliance for operations.

Course Information

TLI42422 Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management is aimed at Rail Safety Managers, Safety Advisors, Operations Managers, Supervisors, Work Group Leaders and those with responsibility to ensure the safety and compliance of rail operations and assets within their organisation.


This course consists of a total of 7 days of face-to-face classroom training, along with scheduled touchpoints with our trainers. Learners will also complete workplace projects. The course can be delivered at Railtrain’s facilities or on client worksites, with online learning options available.

Course Inclusions

Learn from our team of industry experts and gain knowledge and practical application in:

  • Rail Safety and Safety legislation, standards and obligations for organisations
  • In-depth understanding of the principles of a Safety Management System and guidance on developing and maintaining the system
  • Communication and leadership skills for engaging stakeholders to develop, input, implement and review the Safety Management System.
  • Rail safety and safety investigation and reporting obligations
  • Risk management strategies for addressing both high-level business and worksite risks
  • Fit for work obligations including fatigue, rail safety worker competence and alcohol and other drugs
  • Change management process and continual improvement.

The following topics will be covered:

  • BSBOPS403 Apply business risk management processes
  • TLIE4030 Prepare rail safety reports
  • TLIF0043 Implement fitness for work procedures
  • TLIF0048 Manage rail safety compliance
  • TLIF0054 Respond to notifiable rail safety occurrences
  • TLIL0027 Ensure competency of rail safety workers
  • TLIG0002 Lead a work team
  • TLIF4104 Manage change in the rail safety environment
  • BSBSTR402 Implement continuous improvement
  • BSBWHS415 Contribute to implementing WHS management systems

A nationally recognised qualification TLI42422 Certificate IV in Rail Safety Management will be issued to all participants who successfully complete all qualification requirements.

Want more information?

Contact us on (08) 9470 4999 or to discuss your needs, potential delivery options. Railtrain is a national Registered Training Organisation that delivers training services exclusively for the rail industry.



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Enrol Below

Introduction to Rail

Would you like to find a job in Australia’s booming rail industry?

Railtrain can help your resume get on track with our Introduction to Rail course.

Our Introduction to Rail course is developed by rail industry experts and can be completed through a combination of self-paced online learning, and one in-class real-time video conferencing session facilitated by our experienced trainer.

Enrol today or email or contact (08) 9470 4999 to find out more information.


Read what our learners are saying about our Introduction to Rail course:


This course provides a flexible, online delivery pathway for learners looking to develop entry-level, regulatory knowledge and skills needed to work in the Rail Industry.

Learning Content includes:

The training course covers vital competencies for the railway industry, including:

  • Develop an awareness of railway fundamentals.
  • Taking appropriate safety precautions to access the danger zone, access the rail corridor and respond appropriately in an emergency.
  • Following workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control, contributing to WHS/OHS management arrangements and completing WHS/OHS records.
  • Apply effective safety critical communications.
  • Identifying legislation relating to hazardous substances and dangerous goods, segregating dangerous goods and hazardous substances, and dealing with incidents involving hazardous substances and dangerous goods; and
  • Identifying and acting on signs of fatigue and implementing appropriate strategies to minimise fatigue during work activities.

Click here to enrol today
or contact us below to find out more information.


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The course is completed online, through a blend of self-paced progression, and facilitation via Microsoft Teams by Railtrain’s trainers who are qualified rail operations training experts, with many years’ experience in different organisations and networks across the industry.

A total of seven units of competency are offered as part of this training course, broken into three stages:

Stage 1. Online training & assessment (self-paced)

  • TLIF3091 Apply awareness of dangerous goods and hazardous materials requirements
  • TLIF2010 Apply fatigue management strategies

The typical training and assessment duration for Stage 1 is 12 hours

Stage 2. Online training and formative assessment (self-paced)

  • TLIF0020 Safely Access the Rail corridor
  • TLIB3118 Apply awareness of railway fundamentals
  • TLIF0025 Follow work health and safety procedures
  • TLIF0008 Apply safety critical communications in the rail environment
  • TLIF2006 Apply accident-emergency procedures

The typical training and assessment duration for Stage 2 is 14 hours

Stage 3. Online facilitated revision & assessment (one day, Microsoft Teams)

The typical training and assessment duration for Stage 3 is 8 hours


The cost for the course is $990 (GST Free) per learner, to be paid as part of enrolment.


Please ​​​email or contact us on (08) 9470 4999 to register your interest. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What IT equipment do I need to complete this online course?

  • Access to a Laptop / Desktop Computer.
  • Web Camera with Microphone.
  • Headphones & Speakers.
  • Microsoft Teams.
  • Sufficient data.

What is the typical time required to complete this online course?

34 hours in total; 12 hours = Stage 1, 14 hours = Stage 2, & 8 hours = Stage 3.

When can I start my training?

Immediately after enrolment is confirmed. Our training team will be in touch to provide you with log in details to access the online course.

Do I need to complete a Language, Literacy & Numeracy Assessment?

As part of the enrolment process, you will be assessed to confirm you have the LLN skills required to complete this course

When are the trainer facilitated Stage 3 dates scheduled?

Stage 3 assessment dates will be scheduled as soon as possible once Stage 1 & 2 have been completed at a time mutually suitable for all stakeholders.

What are the course minimum and maximum Learner numbers during Stage 3 (facilitated revision & assessment)?

Min (1) & max numbers (4).

Does Railtrain conduct assurance audits on the completed self-paced training?

The beginning of the facilitated Stage 3 will include revision of the earlier Stages.

Do I receive any price discount if I meet eligibility requirements regarding Credit Transfer?

Learners who can provide a current Statement of Attainment or USI transcript will receive a discount of $25 per unit of competency.

How long do I have to complete this course once I have enrolled?

All active enrolments will be open for 3 months from time of enrolment.

Does completion of this course guarantee employment in the Rail Industry?

Different job roles within the Rail Industry require different pre-requisites, which may include however not limited to:

  • Safety psychometric assessment,
  • LLN assessment,
  • Fitness to work,
  • Medical assessment,
  • Drug & alcohol screening,
  • Police checks, and
  • Personal reference checks.

Enrol Below

TLIF0045 Investigate rail safety incidents

What your organisation gets from this course

  • Employees skilled in rail safety investigations
  • Less reliance on outside expertise
  • An organisation better prepared to meet compliance requirements
  • Important professional development for existing and new staff

Course information

This 4-day program will cover the skills and knowledge required to investigate an incident associated with railway operations in accordance with rail safety regulatory and workplace requirements.

The sessions will comprehensively cover the following topics:

Determining a Terms of Reference

  • Receiving or developing a TOR to guide the investigation
  • Determining the investigation scope

Factual details and sequence of events

  • Incident timelines
  • Determining facts

Investigating methodology / Evidence gathering

  • Recognising different types of rail specific evidence
  • Gathering evidence in order of priority

Interview techniques

  • Planning the interviews
  • Developing questions
  • Practical interviews as part of the simulated investigation

Analysis of evidence guided by a variety of rail specific tools

  • Five Why’s
  • Fault tree analysis
  • Factor mapping

Findings / conclusions

  • Identifying root cause
  • Contributory factors
  • Human factors and behaviours
  • Recommendations and safety actions to prevent recurrence

A nationally recognised Statement of Attainment in the unit TLIF0045 Investigate rail safety incidents is given to all participants who successfully complete the theory and practical assessments.



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Course suitability

This program is intended for:

  • Operational employees who may be involved in rail safety investigations
  • Operations and rail infrastructure Supervisors and Managers
  • Rail safety professionals
  • Other corporate staff who may be involved in rail safety investigations


Course delivery is over 4 consecutive days of face-to-face classroom contact and site-based investigations of a simulated incident, either on client company premises or Railtrain’s training facilities. The course can be delivered in-house where a client company has:

  • 3 or more participants and no more than 9 participants
  • Suitable training venue, infrastructure, and equipment including:
  • A short section of track
  • 1 piece of rolling stock: a wagon, locomotive, or track trolley. (The rolling stock only needs to be stationary.)

Alternatively, delivery can be at our training facilities. Workshops will be scheduled to meet participant demand. Course may be deferred if minimum numbers are not met.


The cost for this course is $2,700 per person (GST Free). An amount of $1,500 is to be paid at enrolment. The balance is due once attendance is confirmed, to be paid on Day 1 of the course.

Want more information?

Contact us on (08) 9470 4999 or to discuss your needs, potential delivery options. Railtrain is a national Registered Training Organisation that delivers training services exclusively for the rail industry.

Our services include:

  • Training programs in rail operations, rail infrastructure and rail safety investigations
  • Traineeship delivery and advice on possible funding opportunities to offset training costs
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) services for those with relevant knowledge and skills
  • Verification of Competence (VOC) assessments, Safeworking and other enterprise training
  • Development of training and assessment materials customised to client requirements and mapped to national qualifications

Read what learners are saying about this course:

“I enjoyed the interactive and hands-on approach during the session.”

“There was a good mix of theory and practical content. The Trainer was knowledgeable and engrossing.”

“The Trainer involved everyone and gave lots of examples.”

“The course is focussed and relevant to the industry.”

Course brochure

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